Dog Food Q&A

With any of these answers we know that EVERY DOG IS DIFFERENT. Just the same as you and I. You may be allergic to Peanut Butter and I may be allergic to Onions, we don’t know until we know sometimes and SADLY dogs cannot tell us how they feel. A good rule of thumb is if your dog gets diarrhea or throws up, avoid that food again. Also, it is best to only give your dog one new small sample of something at a time so that you can narrow down to the exact item that makes them sick. *At this time make note: WE ARE NOT VETERINARIANS OR DOG NUTRITIONISTS. We have scathed the internet and searched for the simplest and best answers we can provide to these questions. If you ever see blood, swelling, bloating, or hear the dog whining. whimpering, crying, and/ or screaming… take the dog to your nearest veterinarian or animal emergency center/ hospital.

Can dogs eat Onions?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. The entire ground vegetable we call onion, is completely toxic to dogs and can seriously mess up their guts. DO NOT give your dog onions or onion powdered anything.

Can dogs eat Garlic?
NO! Dog’s can NOT have garlic. The same issues with eating Onions apply to Garlic. Toxic to dogs top to bottom. Any herb that has a ruminating smell like garlic and onions are no good for dogs or their body.

Can dogs eat bananas?
In general YES. Yes, dogs can eat bananas – but just like anything else out there too much banana can make your dog sick. If your dog has medical issues always make note of sugar intake from any food out there. Make note that the peels can cause issues and possible blockages and your dog and your wallet can not afford that!
Free Dog Tip: Make banana slices or learn how to freeze-dry the treats safely!

Can dogs eat apples?
Yes. Try to avoid all seeds and cut off the skins. Always account for sugars. Apples have Vitamin A and Vitamin C and can be a great snack or supplement, just in moderation. Try to also cut the slices into smaller pieces to ensure the dog doesn’t choke.

Can dogs eat watermelon?
Yes! Watermelon can be a great snack for dogs. Just be careful of how many seeds there might be to avoid any chance of the dog choking on them or having a hard time passing them. Make sure you cut off any of the rind, as that might also be difficult for your dog to chew and swallow.

Can dogs eat tuna?
Yes! Dogs can eat tuna in just about all forms you can buy it in. If your dog is used to a raw diet, raw tuna is a great source of nutrient rich protein. Cooked tuna and can tuna can also be a great meal mixer or treat for some dogs. If you’re just trying it out for the first time be sure to just feed a small amount as dogs can have a tough time switching protein sources in their food. I have used canned tuna mixed with flour and cheese and then baked my own homemade treats in the past and my dogs have loved them!

Can dogs eat raw chicken?
Yes! Dogs can eat tuna in just about all forms you can buy it in. If your dog is used to a raw diet, raw tuna is a great source of nutrient rich protein. Cooked tuna and can tuna can also be a great meal mixer or treat for some dogs. If you’re just trying it out for the first time be sure to just feed a small amount as dogs can have a tough time switching protein sources in their food. I have used canned tuna mixed with flour and cheese and then baked my own homemade treats in the past and my dogs have loved them!

Can dogs eat raw meat?
Yes, dogs can eat most raw meat. There are dog nutrition specialists out there who can give you a specialized diet specifically for your dog based on it’s levels of fitness and activity as well as age and caloric needs. This is a special process that you must not attempt on your own.
If you dog snagged some food off of your counter you are most likely going to be okay. Even if there were bones, as long as they were uncooked. We have witnessed dogs eating some ridiculous things and still manage to process them normally. With that said if your dog eats cooked bones there may be an issue as they splinter and can break and get stuck in the stomach or throat. Your best bet is avoiding all cooked bones, and avoid them while walking on the street!

Can dogs eat pomegranates?
Where pomegranates are high in antioxidants and other nutrients, pomegranates can be tricky for dogs. A few seeds here and there will likely pass through your dog with little digestion going on and not cause much of a problem. If your pet was able to eat the entire fruit you might have some cause for concern as that would be a lot to move through the dogs system. The cons outweigh the pros here, it’s best to avoid giving your dog pomegranate.

Can dogs eat nectarines?
Yes! In fact nectarines are very high in certain vitamins and can be a good occasional snack for your dog. Be sure to only give them fresh nectarines as the canned and preserved ones are likely to be even higher in sugar than a fresh one will have. And take caution about not letting them eat any part of the pits. That could be a choking hazard or cause some intestinal blockages. The pits also have a small amount of cyanide which is no better for dogs than it is for people. Try to always remove any seeds for best outcome possible from any fruit.

Can dogs eat hot dogs?
Yes, be sure to try and find hot dogs that have limited ingredients. Check on the packaging to make sure that there are no added seasonings. You can use hot dogs as treats for training but we wouldn’t suggest feeding too many at a time. Hot dogs are generally high in sodium and calories so it’s best to use them sparingly if at all possible to limit any chance of issues further down the line.

Can dogs eat squash?
Yes! Absolutely! Squash is packed with vitamins and nutrients that are good for dogs. Raw or baked in the oven (be sure to cool it down prior to feeding) are both fine for dogs to consume. Squash can make for a great addition to most dogs’ daily diet!

Can dogs eat peppers?
Yes, most dogs will enjoy a pepper from time to time. Just be sure it’s a bell pepper and not one of the spicy variety! I would say it’s best to get rid of the seeds and be sure to cut it up into easily chewable bits. You can cook them or feed them raw. If you plan on cooking them, be sure that they are not fried or cooked with anything that dogs cannot eat! DO NOT feed them fried peppers or with any spices on top.

Can dogs eat lemons?
No. Where you might think it’s cute to see your pet try a lemon/ lime and squinch their face up as they try the sour treat. Lemons and limes can be toxic to dogs, cats and horses. The main reason for this is that psoralens, which are found in the rind, pulp and skins of the fruit are a chemical that the plant uses as a natural pest repellent. They can cause upset stomachs, vomiting and diarrhea. So where the juice and pulp may be okay for them in very small quantities, it’s best to avoid feeding your pet.

Can dogs eat pasta?
Yes by industry information, but we again recommend NO. Pasta is a pretty simple food typically made from just a few ingredients (water, flour, egg) so plain pasta is an okay food for dogs to have from time to time. The problem with pasta is that it is typically eaten with a sauce. Garlic and onions are common pasta sauce ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. Granted if you spill a little on the floor while you’re slurping up some spaghetti, there is no reason to be too concerned if fido finds a freebie before you can clean it up.

Can dogs eat pepperoni?
Our opinion:
No. In the case of pepperoni, we are going to lean away from saying OK to this one. The salt content is generally high, as is the fat content. Garlic and onion powders and other ingredients of the like may be used in some pepperonis and might give your pet a problem if too many are consumed. One tasty pepperoni from time to time is probably going to be okay but save it for a special occasion. Don’t use pepperoni for a training treat or dietary supplement if at all possible!

Can dogs eat whipped cream?
Occasionally, Sure it’s cute to spray a little whipped cream out onto your dog’s nose and watch them lick it all up but is it really safe for them to eat? Generally it’s probably okay for your pet to have a little whipped cream. Just be sure not to give it to them every time you stop at a café for your morning coffee. The sugar and fat content is pretty high and might not be best for your dog, especially if you’re dealing with any obesity or other underlying health issues. Again, if given sparingly, a little whipped cream is more than likely okay, moderation is the key! ( Best to just not give human treats such as this, they aren’t even healthy for us!)

Can dogs eat hummus?
No. Hummus is very tasty and generally considered a healthy food but should not be given to dogs. The reason we say this is that there are other ingredients used in hummus that are not good for them i.e. lemon, garlic, salt. If you’re making your own hummus at home (which is fairly simple and cheap to do) and you want to toss them a few cooked garbanzo beans while you make it, that’s fine. We say, stay away from loading up your dog with hummus crudité

Can dogs eat scallops?
Yes, your dog can enjoy some scallops. Just be sure that if you give them some that they are plain! If you give your dog raw scallops, make sure the scallops are very fresh. Scallops are high in protein and pretty lean when it comes to fat. Scallops also contain other vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to both people and dogs. If you are trying it out for the first time. Start with a little bit to make sure there are no sensitivities to them you might not be aware of. We do not recommend feeding scallops on a regular basis but could be used occasionally as a super treat/ meal mixer.

Can dogs eat cream cheese?
Yes. Cream cheese is high in fat and calories so should not be given all the time. If you need to feed your dog a pill or medicine of some kind, you can tuck the meds into a ball of cream cheese that your dog will surely enjoy! Be aware of any intolerances for dairy!

Can dogs eat gummy bears?
No. Gummies of all kinds should not be fed to dogs. What’s the point? There are zero health benefits from them and the sugar free gummies often contain artificial sweeteners that can be very toxic to dogs. If you have a large pet and it happens to get one or two gummy bears that fell out of the bag, that’s probably okay. Small breeds are likely to be just fine with this too but are more likely to express symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. So keep your gummies for yourself and don’t share with your pets!

Can dogs eat okra?
Yes. Okra is high in vitamins and nutrients and could be used as a snack for your dog. Just be sure to stay away from fried okra. If you plan on feeding okra to your dog, be sure to get it up into pieces that are easily chewable so they are not likely to choke on it!

Can dogs eat salami?
Yes. We have had many dogs snag some salami with no issues, with that said there are usually garlic and onion pieces or powder inside which can be toxic to dogs in big quantities or if they have an allergic reaction. It is best to just avoid giving the dog human foods overall unless recommended by a dog nutritionist.

Can dogs eat strawberries?
Yes, strawberries are high in vitamin C but they are also high in sugar content. Fresh strawberries are a nice treat for dogs but should be fed only in moderation from time to time. Frozen strawberries in the hot summer make for a refreshing treat!

Can dogs eat pineapple?
If the pineapple is fresh, (not canned) and served in moderation it can be fine for dogs to eat. Canned pineapple will likely have more sugar in it as a preservative that will not be good for your dog. Any of the tough skin should be removed prior to eating as the fibrous skin could cause the dog to have serious digestion issues. Serve in moderation or just skip the pineapple all together.

Can dogs eat avocado?
No. Avocados contain persin which can be toxic to dogs and other animals according to the ASPCA. It’s best for you to enjoy your avocado toast by yourself and find a different snack for your pooch! This goes for avocado oil as well.

Can dogs eat mango?
Yes. Mangos are full of vitamins but also full of sugar. So if you want to feed your dog some mango be sure to get rid of the pit and peel it for them. Frozen mango in the summer can be a cool refreshing treat for your pet!

Can dogs eat cherries?
Yes but be careful! The fruit of the cherry is okay for dogs to eat however the pits are definitely NOT! The pits contain cyanide which is poisonous to dogs and people. If your dog manages to eat a cherry behind your back chances are that it will pass through the dog with very little concern however make sure they don’t get into a whole bag. That many stems and pits would be cause for serious concern about digestion issues and intestinal blockages.

Can dogs eat peaches?
Yes. Dogs can enjoy a small amount of peach from time to time. Just be sure to only give them fresh peaches as canned or jarred peaches are likely to contain an unhealthy amount of added sugar. Also be sure to remove the peach pit before plopping a peach down for your pup!

Can dogs eat lettuce?
Yes. Lettuce is a low calorie food that dogs can eat without any issues. Of course it is best to feed in moderation like with most things that are not in your dog’s day to day diet. Be careful though because too much may cause your dog to get an upset stomach or get gassy! Other lettuces like kale and cabbage should be avoided.

Can dogs eat chocolate?
It has been said that dogs can not have chocolate, but there is also research that goes to show dogs can have a bit of milk chocolate and be alright. Dark chocolate typically makes dogs very sick or can. I have seen magical dogs eat a chunk of dark chocolate and not even have a sensitive gut about it. I’ve also seen dogs sniff chocolate and puke. Every dog’s sensitivity level is different.

Are bananas good for dogs?
We wouldn’t say that eating a banana is good for all dogs. If a dog has allergies or cannot handle extra potassium or sugars. Too much of anything is no good so we tend to never feed more than a quarter of a banana to a dog. Make sure your dog doesn’t have reactions so keep an eye on them for about a half hour after they eat new foods. Lastly. Don’t give them the peel or skin of the banana.

Are apples good for dogs?
Apples have been known to be great snacks for elderley dogs, be sure to cut small pieces. But Apples have been known for vitamin C. But maybe not a whole apple. Leave the “apple a day…” saying to the humans. We prefer to cut off the skins as well. I don’t want anything thin like that, possibly getting stuck anywhere going down.

Are carrots good for dogs?
Yes actually carrots are one of our favorite treats to give our dogs for the vitamin a (here and there). The best part is that they can help to clean the dog’s teeth too!

How many carrots can I give my dog?
2-5 baby carrots no more and depending on how small of “baby” we are truly talking about. Best recommendation when feeding dogs hard treats is making sure they are super easy to swallow and chew. So cut them into portions that fit into your dog’s mouth for start, and then make sure the dog chews once or twice and clearly swallows the treat without gagging or choking.

How do I clean my dog’s teeth?
The quick and easy answer is bones. The problem is that bones erode the teeth. We need our dogs’ teeth to stay healthy for as long as possible. So in short we give them deer antlers, carrots, and also bull pizzles.

Are blueberries good for dogs?
Fun fact, YES, dogs can have blueberries. As with all of our other fruit suggestions we want to know that berries have sugars and too many can make a dog sick especially if it is overweight, diabetic, or has other underlying issues going on.

Is watermelon good for dogs?
Watermelon is great for everyone, INCLUDING your dog! This fruit is one of our favorites and as it’s a water based fruit we will always say to moderate your dogs water intake based on how wet your watermelon is. Account for sugars, and we make sure to pull all the seeds out before giving our dogs any.

Is popcorn bad for dogs?
Certain types of popcorn are said to be okay for dogs.
WE SAY- DO NOT give fido any popcorn. The salt content on top of the way the kernel almost breaks our teeth, on top of the way the kernel shells catch on my gums and throat. Just don’t. Train your dog and put it away if it is going to beg and irritate you during your popcorn session.

Can dogs eat tomatoes?
Yes. Dogs can have tomatoes from time to time! Just be sure that the tomatoes are ripe and you have carefully removed all of the stems and leaves. Unripened tomatoes can be toxic to dogs so make sure you only give them fresh ripe tomatoes and avoid dressed tomatoes from a salad or things like fried tomatoes. If your dog likes to head out to the garden to help themselves to a snack, also be sure that you are not using any fertilizer/ pesticides that could be harmful to them!

Can dogs eat popcorn?
No. We don’t give our dogs popcorn. Where it can be a quick snack for us, it’s not always best to feed it to your dog. Think how many times you’ve had a kernel stuck in your gum line. That can cause irritation and lead to bigger issues if it’s not removed and dogs might not always let you know they have something stuck in their gums. Not to mention all the salt and added “butter” that is in popcorn could lead to other problems if they were to eat too much of it. Avoid popcorn, find a different snack for your dogs on movie night. The dog will most likely be fine if it steals a piece or two off of the floor during a movie, but pay attention. No need for a vet visit because we didn’t put the dog away during a movie, always best to lean on the side of caution.

Can dogs eat shrimp?
Yes. Shrimp can be a great training treat or a nice addition to their meals. Be sure however to remove the shells and tail, as those could lead to a potentially dangerous choking hazard. We would say, make sure they are free from seasoning and haven’t been cooked in any oils that are unfit for dogs. As always then adding a new protein to your dogs diet be sure to introduce it slowly. Like people, some dogs might not agree with shellfish, also keep in mind that they are high in cholesterol so make sure you okay it with your vet if your dog has any underlying health issues!

Can dogs eat mushrooms?
Yes, dogs can eat mushrooms but make sure your furry friends aren’t trying all of the mushrooms they happen across on a hike! There are some wild mushrooms that could definitely upset your dog’s stomach. In general, the mushrooms you’d buy at a store are safe for your dog to eat, we would recommend cooking them first, free of salt, free of butter and oils and of course free of onion and garlic as those foods are not safe for dogs.
Also, these are food mushrooms, DEFINITELY DO NOT EVER give your dog Psychedelic Mushrooms. In that case, call your vet immediately. We have no advice. Things may get a little wonky.

Can dogs eat pickles?
Yes, in theory, pickles should be just fine for dogs. The problem is that the sodium levels in most pickles is extremely high. The other issue is that pickles commonly have other ingredients like garlic and onions and both of those are bad for your dog. A little bit of pickle here or there is not likely to cause you any issues but definitely limit the pickle jar for rare occasions.

Can dogs eat coconut?
Yes. Coconut meat is safe for dogs to consume. If you plan on giving your dog some, be sure that you have removed all of the tough husk and shell. It might seem like a fun chew toy at first but you don’t want little splinters coming off and getting lodged in your dog’s digestive tract somewhere. Also avoid any store bought shredded coconut as that is likely to have added sugar. Only feed in moderation from time to time. Coconut oil can also be used in small amounts to add to their food or even rubbed on their skin and fur like a lotion.

Can dogs eat edamame?
Yes. It is recommended however that you start off by only giving your dog a little at first. Some dogs, like some people, might actually have a soy allergy or intolerance so it’s best to gauge what happens when they start out with a small amount. And where yes they can probably eat the pod itself, smaller dogs are more likely to have digestion issues with them than a larger breed might have. Finally, feed them plain, no salt, no soy sauce or any other accoutrements that may accompany them. Also be sure to avoid store bought pre packaged edamame as they are likely to have added salt or ingredients we want to avoid.

Can dogs eat olives?
Yes. Olives can actually be quite healthy for your dogs! There are a few things to keep in mind before feeding your dog an olive or two. First remember to only give a little bit at a time to make sure there are no negative reactions to them. Secondly REMOVE THE PITS! The pits are very tough and could potentially crack a tooth or get stuck somewhere in the digestive tract. Lastly, olives are generally packaged and loaded up with sodium which can be dangerous and harmful to your dog in large amounts. So if you’re snacking on a few olives and want to ask your dog to do something to get one, go ahead. Just keep in mind what we talked about and you should be okay!

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