Hello HD FAM!

This is the “Off Topic” space on the page, this is where we all can let loose (professionally and ethically.  

This is where I would like to see you all list out some of your thoughts on dogs, training, life, news relevant to Philadelphia, favorite types of wine, whatever! But I want to see some bonds forming here. Don’t be shy, we’re all here for the same reason. 

Not to mention, we have some SERIOUSLY cool clients and dogs in the HD Community and I want to see you all encouraging each other to do more. 

Lastly, I want to give you all a way to connect with one and other virtually as some/ most may not be able to make it to some group walks and group training sessions. We are building an ACTUAL community of REAL people who truly care about their dogs, the company, the training, and most importantly being real people that engage each other- otherwise “what’s the point?!” 


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HD Dog Training Philadelphia

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